Your body: Staying safe
Your body belongs to you
You are the boss of your body and what you say goes! From your head to your toes, nobody else can go – unless you say so. You have the right to say no.
Safe touch
Safe touch is when someone shows you they care with a hug, a pat on the back or a high five. Sometimes it’s keeping you safe by holding your hand to cross the road. Other times it's help from a doctor or parent if you are sick or hurt.
Unsafe touch
Unsafe touch is any touch that hurts your body or makes you feel uncomfortable. It might make you feel confused or scared. It’s when someone touches you where you don’t want to be touched.
Private parts are private
Private parts include your genitals, bottom and also your chest and nipples. They are the parts of your body under your swimmers and are usually kept out of view, except for boys who show their chest and nipples.
It’s not ok to look, touch or play with each other’s private parts
No one should touch your private parts. No one can ask you to touch theirs. No one should show you pictures of private parts. If this happens, you should tell someone you trust straight away.
Your body gives you clues if you feel unsafe
If you feel unsafe your body might send you some clues. You may get a funny feeling in your tummy. Your heart might beat really fast. You may feel shaky, sweaty or have wobbly knees.
Some secrets shouldn’t be kept
It’s OK to talk about secrets that make you feel upset, worried or uncomfortable. Nobody should ask you to keep a secret if it’s about your body or private parts.
If I feel unsafe I can…
Say No or Stop. I can tell them that I don’t like that or not to touch me that way. If you can, run away or yell for help. Tell someone you trust as soon as you can.
My safety circle
A safety circle is made up of people who you can talk to about your body safely or when you feel sad, scared or unsure. It could be your mum, dad, carer, grandparent, aunty, teacher or a friend’s parent. Who is in your safety circle?
Kids Helpline is here for you
If you can’t tell an adult in your life then tell a counsellor at Kids Helpline. We will listen and help you.