Sober Grid – Social Network
Sober Grid is an essential tool for your recovery — providing access to peer-support and other resources critical to staying sober.

Young adult feedback
Sober Grip is a good quality app that creates a space for users to connect and keep track of their sobriety. The app relies on users actively engaging with others and doesn’t offer much beyond community connection. Although the design is simple, the app provides what it claims to offer and could be recommended to young adults.
Expert feedback
Sober Grid offers global community connection for users seeking support for sobriety. The app uses a news feed-similar to Facebook- where users can share experiences, create group chats, connected with local peers, and discuss strategies to help motivate each other towards goal achievement. Users are able to create a detailed Profile and earn badges acknowledging progress achievements. An affiliate link to AA is provided but there is little offered with regard to educational resources.
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